The Complete Guide to Drying Cloth Nappies
When it comes to drying your cloth nappies, there are many factors that play a role in how long it takes. The more sunshine there is, the more air flow there is, and, the higher the temperature, the quicker they will dry. If you already use Frank Nappies, You will know that they are super absorbent. This is so great for keeping your little one’s bottom dry and comfy, but not so good when it comes time to dry your clean cloth nappies. Here are some top tips on how to dry cloth nappies faster.

- Line dry cloth nappy inserts outside in sunshine whenever possible
Line drying cloth nappy inserts outside is a great way to save money and reduce your environmental impact. In warm sunny weather, line drying your inserts will provide the highest levels of sunshine, airflow, and air temperature to dry them the fastest. Obviously, it is not possible to line dry cloth nappies outside in the sun when the weather is rainy, so read on for tips that you can use for rainy days.

- Line dry cloth nappies in an undercover area
If rain is threatening, a good option for drying cloth nappies is to hang them under cover. This will generally give you good airflow which speeds up drying time.
- Use a portable clothes airer to dry cloth nappies
A clothes airer is a small, portable version of a clothes line. These are a complete game-changer for drying cloth nappies and I consider them to be a must-have item for cloth nappy households. Hanging your cloth nappies on an airer allows you to chase the best drying spots inside and outside your home. You might start with your airer outside in breezy or sunny spot, then if it looks rainy, or in the evening, you can bring it inside to finish drying.
NAPPY DRYING HACK: Try putting your clothes airer full of nappies near your fireplace or heater in Winter (not too close though), or putting it under a ceiling fan to speed up your drying time.

- Use sock hangers to hang cloth nappies
Sock hangers are steel rings or rectangles which have lots of steel pegs hanging from them and a large hook at the top. They are also available in plastic versions buy in the interest of environmental conservation please avoid these if possible. Sock hangers have a similar function as clothes airers for drying your cloth nappies faster. You can chase the best spots for sunshine, warmth and airflow to ensure your nappies are dry as quickly as possible. Sock hangers are easier to move around as they are smaller and lighter than airers, but they generally fit less nappies and inserts on them. You will probably need 2 or more sock hangers.
- Using the electric clothes dryer
To fully dry your cloth nappy inserts you will usually need approximately two full cycles in the clothes dryer. Electric dryers use a lot of electricity to run so they are not generally considered an eco option. Sometimes though, when the weather is very wet, it is simply necessary. Given the choice between using cloth nappies and drying them with an electric clothes dryer versus using disposable nappies, I would choose cloth nappies. A good compromise is to dry inserts as much as you can using the methods above, and then finish them off in the dryer.
BONUS TIP: If you are struggling to get your cloth nappy inserts dry before you need to use them, consider investing in a few extra sets of inserts. The shell of the nappy dries quickly, and a days worth of extra inserts can give you just the breathing room you need to be able to stay in cloth all year round.

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